CambridgeIC's linear sensor designs measure the precise linear position of a target. Sensors are built using conventional PCB technolo...
CambridgeIC's rotary sensor designs measure the precise angle of a target. Sensors are built using conventional PCB technology, so the...
Targets mark moving parts, so their position can be sensed with resonant inductive technology. They are inductively coupled to a senso...
A selection of development tools available to assist the evaluation and integration of CambridgeIC's resonant inductive position sensi...
CambridgeIC's arc sensor designs measure the angle of targets moving around an arc. Sensors are built using conventional PCB technolog...
Founded in 2007, CambridgeIC has developed single chip processors and a set of standard sensor designs and integration tools. These help customers embed resonant inductive sensing inside their products, by drawing on modular and well proven components.