This privacy policy sets out how CambridgeIC uses and protects any information that you give us when you use this web site or get in touch with us.
This web site includes an option to create an account by entering your name and email address. Logging in alows you to access hidden information, including free downloads of CambridgeIC CTU Software. This software is for evaluating and developing with CambridgeIC products. It is only used in combination with hardware purchased from CambridgeIC or our distributors. CambridgeIC periodically checks new accounts against sales of hardware. We may share your contact details with our distributors to identify whether we recently sold you or your organisation hardware, and to provide them or us with an opportunity to get in touch to ensure you receive the support you need.
Your account on the CambridgeIC web site is held on a secure server, and is password protected to ensure only those with appropriate permission ay access it. Secure email connections are used to share data with distributors, who protect your data using a combination of physical and electronic security.
If you wish to remove your account, please contact us and let us know, and we will delete it as soon as reasonably possible.
We may also obtain your contact details directly from an enquiry that you make, either directly or from one of our distributors. This is usually for the purpose of product support or purchasing. When we have dealt with your immediate enquiry, we may store your contact details and contact you again in the future if we can offer improved or new products or services that we believe may of interest. If you have an enquiry which we believe is best handled by one of our distrubutors, we may pass your contact details and enquiry on to them. Contact details include your name, job title, email address, place of work, office and mobile telephone numbers and perhaps Skype ID. If you prefer to no longer be contacted by us, please contact us and let us know. We will delete your details from our server as soon as reasonably possible, and require any distributor with whom we shared your details to do the same.
We will not pass your information to third parties unless we are required by Law to do so.