Comparative testing of resonant inductive sensors and resolvers show some clear advantages for the newer approach.
Download the white paper here.
Resolvers have become the technology of choice for traction motor feedback, particularly in automotive applications. The construction is relatively simple, they operate largely without wear and tolerate extreme environments well. Recently a new approach is gaining traction: resonant inductive position sensors have much in common with resolvers, being based on the same physical principals, but use printed coils and PCB technology to capture position data.
35mm Type 6.3 Rotary Sensor (left) and 52mm VR Type Resolver (right)
This delivers a number of advantages:
- Improvements in accuracy, for efficiency and smoothness
- Reduced cost, by using simpler components that are easier to manufacture
- Greater tolerance to misalignment, for ease of installation and lower cost
- Physically smaller parts
Linearity error comparison, typical parts.
In motor control applications, these differences can have significant impact on performance in such areas as motor efficiency and speed of feedback in dynamic systems.
Our latest white paper Resonant Inductive Sensing Vs Resolvers looks at the differences in construction and performance and what that means for motor applications. Download it using the link above, or get in touch with us to discuss the findings.