Pan and Tilt

CambridgeIC's Precision Through Hole Rotary Sensors are used for measuring pan and tilt angles inside surveillance cameras, including at CambridgeIC's customer Bosch.

Key features of the solution include...

  • Truly non-contacting, typical operating gap 1.0mm ±0.5mm
  • Through-shaft: a hole in the middle of the sensor and target allows a shaft and cabling to pass through for measurement at the point of load
  • Highly tolerant of gap change and radial misalignment between sensor and target
  • Robust against mechanical shock
  • Stable across temperature
  • The customer can build sensors and targets themselves using conventional PCB fabrication and assembly
  • CambridgeIC’s CAM204 chip processes either one or two sensors, delivering angle data over an SPI interface at 1000 samples per second
  • 13 – 15 bits noise free resolution with CAM204 processor IC depending on diameter, gap and construction
  • Up to 5000 samples per second and/or higher resolution with CAM502 processor IC

Pan Tilt Application

Our customers prefer resonant inductive sensors because they are easier to integrate than optical and magnetic encoders and they allow for much greater mechanical installation tolerances.  They also find it more economical to buy and integrate CambridgeIC processing chips onto their existing processor board, because sensors can then be built by their own fab for the cost of a small and simple PCB.

Other applications for the pan and tilt sensing technology include...

  • Motion control of heliostat mirrors used to direct the sun's rays on a collecting tower in Solar Thermal Power Stations.
  • Mobile antenna platforms, where the antenna needs to remain pointing in the same direction when mounted to  a moving platform.
  • Industrial and medical robotics



Founded in 2007, CambridgeIC has developed single chip processors and a set of standard sensor designs and integration tools. These help customers embed resonant inductive sensing inside their products, by drawing on modular and well proven components.


Cambridge Integrated Circuits Ltd
21 Sedley Taylor Road
+44 (0) 1223 413500